So you’re wondering if you should do a boudoir session. The short answer is HECK YEAH YOU SHOULD. I am guessing you already know that but I will give you 10 reasons to book one anyways!

One: It’s A Step Towards Accepting Yourself & Your Body
When you think of boudoir you probably think of “sexy photos” but it’s so much more. It’s about loving yourself, accepting yourself, and celebrating the women that you are. It’s such an empowering experience that I think every woman should experience at least once!
We are all alluring, radiant, and powerful but sometimes we need somebody else to show it to us! I am that somebody. I want you to walk out feeling like a million dollars you are. It is why I do this.
Two: Step out of your Comfort Zone!
What would life be like if we didn’t do the things that scared us. Don’t let fear get in the way of doing something you wanted to do!
Everybody walks into their session as nervous as can be, not knowing exactly what to expect. But guess what? They do it and so can you! You will walk out of your session feeling amazing with a new found confidence you probably didnt expect to come out with!

Three: Badass Hype Squad
I pride myself on being your personal hype girl! It’s my favorite compliment I get from my clients is how I made them feel during their session. One girl said she could just hang out with me all day when she’s feeling down and the legit warmed my heart. I am here for you! I am here to tell you how awesome you look during a pose and to tell you how beautiful you really are. I walk you through every pose and we will be laughing and having a good time along the way!
I even have a VIP group full of other women here to hype you up as well! So come join us!
Four: You Get To See Yourself From A New Perspective
“Is that really me” is a thing I often hear from clients as I show them the back of the camera. YES, GIRL! It’s an instant boost getting to see the back of the camera as we go and even a bigger one once you come in for your reveal. You get to see yourself how others have seen you rather than through your eyes!
Seeing yourself in a new light helps so much with your confidence and self-esteem. Long after your session, you can look back at your album or wall art to remind yourself that you can do amazing things when you want to!

Five: You’ll Give Yourself The Gift Of Confidence
I’m going to guess there are things you don’t do because you feel you can’t.
Seeing yourself in a new light and from a new perspective is a way to give yourself a massive boost of self-esteem and confidence. And the best part is that the effect is long-lasting. You can continue to feel that boost long after your session, by reviewing the images in your album or on the wall art you purchase. You can do incredible things when you believe in yourself and have the confidence to try.
Six- Our Luxury Products Make a Great Gift
I always tell everyone as much as you think this is a gift for someone else, it’s a gift for you first! But that look on your s/o’s face when they see an album filled with these stunning pictures of YOU! Now that’s something I can get behind too! They love you as you are so imagine after your professional hair and makeup and hot lingerie. They will absolutely love it!

Seven: A Goddess I Tell You!
I always tell my clients to schedule a date night or girls’ night because your professional hair and makeup will be done and you will walk out of your session glowing! You will look so amazing and FEEL it. Pair that with a photographer who knows how to pose you, you will end up with some of your favorite portraits of yourself!
Eight: Stop the Comparrisons!
You’re finally done comparing yourself to other women. I know I am sick and tired of seeing photoshopped women in magazines that don’t represent what a normal body looks like! We women have curves, scars, stretch marks, and whatever else and we are WORTHY! Seeing how amazing you look in real life is the best way to stop the comparison. You can look at your photos and see how stunning YOU are.s!
Nine: Body Changes!
Body changes. Have you lost or gained weight and really loving your new body?! Well, let’s document it! you deserve to be celebrated. Stop saying you will do it when you lose weight or gain weight. You are beautiful just the way you are right at this moment! If you meet new goals do another session! Trust me the feeling you get becomes addicting!

Ten: You Deserve This!
When’s the last time you put yourself first and did something for you? Maybe you’ve been busting your booty at work, have become a snack bitch to your kids or just serve others before yourself. It’s time to reward yourself for all that hard work and celebrate this beautiful journey called life!
Or maybe you want to celebrate an anniversary, or your birthday? Jump two feet in and lets get this time in your life documented! Not only will you have gorgeous portraits of yourself, but when you look at them, you’ll remember how amazing this time in your life was! You are WORTHY so lets celebrate it! You deserve it!
Ready to book your session? Fill out an inquiry form here!
HMUA: Jo Nettles Artistry | Facebook
Samantha Byrd Photography- A Luxury Boudoir Studio serving the Savannah, Georgia Area.