Recent Musings


Should you glam it up?

January 13, 2023

Most of the ladies that come in for their session have never had professional hair and makeup done before. That is totally okay! I am here to help and guide you through the entire process. I work with two amazing local Savannah artists who are both talented AF but also wonderful about talking to you […]

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One of the things I enjoy most about summer in Savannah is how patriotic we all get. This is a military town, and we have no shortage of American flags dotting our landscape, and even more red, white, and blue decorating our communities.  Next to St. Patrick’s Day green, Savannah really shows up and shows […]

4th of July Themed Mini Session

July 8, 2022

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Feeling Gorgeous Over 40

June 22, 2022

Women of every age are beautiful. But, especially during certain phases of our lives, sometimes we need that extra reminder. The seasons of our life can often dictate how we feel about ourselves, and while we may have more responsibilities in our 30s than we did in our 20s, by the time we are heading […]

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Mental wellness is a big part of why I became a boudoir photographer. Women tend to put our needs last, and that also means we often fight our battles alone. I love celebrating my clients during their sessions, but it’s also about giving other women a safe space to be themselves. I want to help […]

Mental Health May- Embrace What Makes Us Amazing

May 19, 2022

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Celebrating a Community of Caregivers During the Month of the Military Spouse

May 5, 2022

As a former military spouse—My husband exited the Marine Corps and we re-entered civilian life early on in the pandemic— I intimately understand the weight carried by the wives of those who are serving. Military spouses face unique challenges of never planting roots, and wearing all the hats at home during service deployments. They’re the […]

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Ladies, if the last few years have taught us anything it is that women are strong and resilient AF! But we don’t always feel that way, do we?  When you have been put through the wringer, it’s not easy to feel powerful. It feels defeating, it feels exhausting, and we usually aren’t very kind to […]

How a Boudoir Session Can Help You Reclaim Your Power!

April 23, 2022

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A Facebook Group for Boudie Babes

April 9, 2022

We all deserve a community of other women who lift us up! There is so much noise out there that basically shames women for not fitting into some arbitrary box. We constantly have a barrage of messages about who we should be and what we should be doing as women, without recognizing the powerful value […]

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Are you interested in a boudoir session without the fancy lingerie? I love switching it up to a photography session with just a sheet as your wardrobe and prop. There is so much versatility with a classic white or satin sheet! And it creates the sensual vibe every woman deserves to feel. Read on to […]

Just The Sheets Boudoir Session

March 19, 2022

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How to Embrace Your Unique Beauty as a Woman

March 5, 2022

What makes you feel beautiful? It can be hard to answer that question because we get so distracted by all the outside noise. From social media- to the relationships with women around us- to the messages we are consciously and subconsciously exposed to from the world around us about what beauty is, we don’t often […]

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Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and I wanted to do something a little different this year. I have been wanting to create a flower wall in my home studio for a while. And what better time to play with flowers than Valentine’s Day, where the vibe is all about romance? I decided to offer some […]

Getting Creative with Valentines Day Boudoir Photos

February 14, 2022

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Savannah Georgia Boudoir

Savannah GA   Richmond Hill GA
Beaufort, SC Hilton Head, SC 
Bluffton, SC Brunswick GA, Charleston, SC


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